Sunday, September 9, 2012

Little Things - Part 3

Last week, I made a vow that at the end of every week, I’d write a blog about the things I’m thankful for – the little things that catch me off guard and make me smile. I’m already behind, since it is now the beginning of the week, but if you know me, you probably already knew I’d end up slacking. So – this week, I’m thankful for the beautiful weather, the mister, and football season.

California’s weather sucks, in case you haven’t heard me complain about it enough. It really really sucks. Something about dark clouds and thick fog and a chilly 58 degrees every single day for weeks at a time can bring a person down – trust me. When the sun started coming out yesterday, and actually sticking around for more than five minutes, I practically had to squint my eyes for fear that I’d go blind. I headed to the farmer’s market today under beautiful blue skies. Something about the change of weather made me crank the music up a little bit louder and drive a little bit faster – there are very few things better than John Mayer on a Sunday afternoon, by the way. I’m also thankful for the police officer who didn’t flinch when I drove through the speed trap that, of course, took me by complete surprise on my way home. Thank you, kind sir, for not ruining my day. So between the sunshine, 10 cent grapefruits, and a clean driving record (knock on wood), my Sunday was probably better than yours. And I wasn’t kidding about 10 cent grapefruits. I don’t even like grapefruit but I buy them anyway (mostly because the mister enjoys them, but whatever).

And speaking of the mister – this week, I am extra thankful for him. I mean, I enjoy him every week, but last night I had one of those “catch-me-off-guard-take-my-breath-away” moments. We went to the Air Force Ball (Happy 65th to you, AF), which wasn’t nearly as intimidating as it sounds. It was a fun evening of playing dress up, eating course after course of great food, shaking hands, taking pictures, and listening to the kind of speeches that give you goosebumps. While listening to the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force speak, I couldn’t help but think about how he started out with no plans of making the military a career. I think that will be my husband. Someday in the future, he’ll be giving those goosebump-giving speeches with an arm full of stripes, and I’ll remain the proudest wife around. He’s one of the most motivated people (strange that he married one of the most UN-motivated people), and I know he’s going places. Guess I picked a good one.

Football season started today – or so I’ve heard, since I couldn’t watch it (no thanks to you, Dish Network). I am thankful for the fact that I am not a very typical girl. I pride myself in knowing a good handful about football. Although it began as a “Why are all football players so beautiful looking?” hobby, I caught on and learned a bunch – my mother deserves the most credit for that. So even though I can’t watch the games, I can obsessively check the score online (you bet I did) and cheer on my guys in dark blue from the West Coast. 

All fancy-like for the Ball.

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