Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Quick Turkey Day Update

Things I am thankful for:

The usual – my mister. My mom. My whole family, actually. My friends – all 5 of them, or something sad like that. My pretty awesome life.

The unusual – my comfy yoga pants and fuzzy Christmas sock combination. My new found ability to make gingerbread cookies (even though it looks like the icing monster threw up all over them). Not having to cook dinner tonight. Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner tonight. The fact that I don’t have to cook turkey tomorrow. The fact that I get to eat turkey tomorrow. A long weekend with my mister. Seeing my cousin this weekend. My kitties. Having no school work due this week. The fact that my diet is OVER today. The fact that I lost 7.8 pounds and 5 inches in 30 days. The fact that I don’t have to calorie-count anymore (what a pain in the…). The fact that we leave for Maine in a month from tomorrow! Knowing that all my closest family is together for the holiday (except me – sad face). Having California friends to spend Thanksgiving with. Having a roof over my head. Having food, including cookies and chocolate cream pie, in my fridge. The fact that listening to Christmas music will be socially acceptable once turkey day is over.

…and so on.

P.S. It’s pitiful that half of what I’m thankful for revolves around food. I promise I'm not that shallow.

The first day after a 30 day diet? You betcha.

Friday, November 16, 2012

The Post Office Extravaganza

You’ll probably laugh at this, but let me tell you, I cried. I literally cried.

My Tuesday started out pretty solid – a sunny day and a 2 mile walk, then planning Thanksgiving dinner with a few friends. Later in the afternoon, I had a bunch of errands to run (which really only included going to the post office and then the craft store to spend too much money on crafts I really can’t handle). I headed out, and “Wow it’s a little chilly. I should have grabbed my jacket.” (Foreshadowing?)

I went to the post office in the town north of me, not in my town, because I was going to the craft store on the way home. I’m always a little afraid to go to this post office because a few months ago, someone got shot in the parking lot right across the street. Ghetto. So I go to the post office, and I have to send out two big packages. Of course I can’t balance my purse, my phone, my keys, my wallet, and the two packages, so I wrap my wallet handle around my wrist and head inside. After a ten minute wait, I pay and head to the car. Before I get outside, I reach for my keys. I always (ALWAYS) hang my keys from my right belt loop when I don’t have my purse. No keys. You know that instant feeling where something’s wrong?  Yeah, me too.

I (practically) run to the car and there are my keys. And my phone. And my purse. Sitting on the front seat. !@#$%^&* (That’s me saving your virgin little ears from the all the curse words that came out of my sailor’s mouth). So a slight panic sets in, but I remember, “I have roadside assistance!” Except… the phone number, and my account number, and my PHONE, are all in the car. No worries – there’s a payphone, and I do have my wallet. Except no change. Not even a damn quarter.

So as my eyes start welling up with tears (I’m a big baby), I start panicking. What the hell am I going to do? I go inside and it takes everything in my power to hold back my tears as I ask the post office lady to use the phone. She hands me her own cell phone, and it’s one of those old-school flip phones. I almost can’t remember how to use one. I call the mister. Seven times. No answer. I finally leave him a message and I’m half crying, half sniffling on my voicemail. I walk outside like a lost puppy, and in my most uncomfortable shoes and no jacket, I walk. I ended up walking to Goodwill… don’t ask why. I ask to use their phone, and FINALLY, my mister answers his cell phone. 

I lucked out, BIG TIME, because it just happened to be the day he was out of work way early (which never happens). He assures me that he will come rescue me soon. Thank god for the fact that I have friends, even if it’s just two, in California. They finally showed up, without a spare key, because of course, we aren’t smart enough to have a spare key. Spare keys are for losers. Thankfully, again, the mister has a phone with the internet. And thankfully again (I was just full of thanks), our insurance company rocks. They tracked my location and sent a guy. It took the guy almost an hour, of course, so the mister and I hung out in the post office parking lot (how creepy are we). Once the tow guy finally showed up, it takes all of one minute to open the door. The worst, and yet, the best.

Okay, I realize now when I put it into words – it doesn’t seem nearly as traumatic. But all I could think was, “What if the mister hadn’t answered his phone? What in the world would I have done? I could have been kidnapped. Or shot. Or I could have frozen to death.” I’m lucky I even remembered his cell phone number. The only other person I could think to call was my mom (3,500 miles away on the East Coast) and cry to her. I’m secretly a big fat baby at heart.

And also, I didn’t get to go to the craft store. So that sucked.

I do feel like I complain a lot. But that's what blogs are for, right?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Rice Cakes at the BK Lounge

Wondering where I’ve been for the last two weeks? No worries, I’ll fill ya in.

Since my last post (I think I was making shadow puppets?), I’ve been super busy. I’m actually not sure what I’ve been doing, but I feel like I’ve been super busy. Midterms and dieting and (trying to) exercise more and cooking and buying cats and following the election and visiting with family. A few Mondays ago, my cousin drove three hours (one way) to visit with me for about 24 hours. We ended up exploring a richy-rich town south of me and found a beautiful beach overlooking the greens of Pebble Beach golf course. A ton of surfers in the water, cousin says, “I want to see a shark attack.” And… I kid you not, within ten seconds, I see a circle of fins within a hundred from the surfers. “NO @#!$%^& WAY!”… Good thing there were no children around. I have the worst potty mouth ever. Relax, all. I didn’t witness a bloody surfer massacre. They were dolphins, and I am still way too excited about seeing said dolphins. I think I bring it up in conversation once a day.

I also got a kitten. Again. You may be asking yourself, “Didn’t she just get a kitten a few months ago?” The answer is yes. I am becoming a crazy cat lady. Around Halloween, the SPCA was having an “Happy Meow-loween” event and cats/kittens were on sale. I love sales, and cats/kittens, and the adorableness of the word “Meow-loween.” Anyway, my new kitten’s name is finally decided, and it’s Toby (Tobes for an annoying but cute nickname). My other cat is Fiona (Feeny for short). Feeny & Tobes are finally starting to accept each other. I wouldn’t go as far as “love” each other… but they’re becoming accepting of the fact that they’re roommates. Following all this blah blah blah will be an amazing video about a crazy cat lady. My best friend sent me this via FB about two weeks ago, and I almost died of laughter. I know that’s what people always say, but I’m not kidding. I almost died. Okay, I didn’t almost die. I almost peed though. I almost peed right in my pants.

Also, as I’m sure you all know from annoying commercials and lawn signs and crude FB posts, the election was this week. I won’t discuss politics. JK… I’ll say a few things. This week, specifically on Tuesday night, I was damn proud to be an American. And a Mainer (always a Mainer at heart, even if I live in California. Don’t ask questions). I was a strong Obama supporter because I love my body and I respect women and their rights, and it was evident to me that some people thought differently. And on another note, my home state voted yes on 1 – which was the topic of gay marriage. I can’t imagine NOT being allowed to marry my mister. Although he is of the opposite sex , IF he were a woman… I would probably love him the same. Probably.

And on another note, I’ve been on this “diet” of sorts for the past three weeks. Someone told me that I needed to get the “diet” idea out of my head and just learn that it’s a way of life, but I don’t really know how to explain that to people when I explain why I can’t eat a hundred pounds of stuff-crust Pizza Hut pizza like I’m dying for. So the diet/lifestyle/whatever you want to call it is a shake meal replacement program (called Visalus, in case you were wondering), and it really is great. It takes a TON of self-control for me to behave (food-wise), but my mister is super-supportive, so I’ve been doing alright. Last night at Burger King… I even ate a rice cake while my sister ate BK dinner. And on to my next point…

My youngest sister, a junior in high school, is currently in California visiting two different colleges with a group of people from her school/church. They flew into LAX, which is about 6 hours south of me, but then drove up to San Jose, which is an hour north of me. What are the chances? I drove up there yesterday afternoon to grab her and drive her all the way back to Monterey to show her my house, my mall, my Coldstone and my pizza place, my ocean, and my sea lions. We spent two hours in Monterey before we had to drive back. 302 miles of driving… lucky I drive a 4 cylinder. When we got back to San Jose, she needed dinner, so we headed to the BK lounge. And what are the chances… I’m sitting and eating my stupid dry rice cake and she comes over to me… and says, “Chicken sandwiches are buy one, get one free today!” and hands me a damn sandwich. And boy was she persistent on forcing me to eat it. And guess what? I DIDN’T! (Well, I had a nibble). But overall, I DIDN’T EAT THE SANDWICH. And that’s a big deal to me. #selfcontrolforthewin #yesijusthashtaggedinmyblog #donthateme

And speaking of annoying hash tags, I am newly addicted to Instagram. So stalk me please. @kbmasters24

Rice cake at the BK. No joke.

Feeny being lazy and Tobes photo-bombing.

My sis! <3

This is the link to the cat video. Please watch it. It'll change your life.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Dear world,

I'm super-slacking on my blog lately. I'd love to say that my life's been super crazy busy and I've had no blog time. However, that may not be true...

This is a short blog entry about what I promise to do sometime in the next few weeks. I promise to write a blog about my new kitty friend and include a hilarious video that my best friend sent me. I'm slowly turning into a crazy cat lady.

I will also write a blog, someday, about my upcoming (like, tomorrow) visit with sister numero two. She's traveling all the way from Maine to California to visit a few colleges, and ends up an hour north of me. YAY for sister time.

So for now, that's all I got. My battery is dying and this is a race against the clock to even post this. Wish me luck. Also, I can't stand the internet for one more minute. Too many people reminding me to vote, and bitching about the election. I think I'll just go shopping instead. Don't worry, I voted three weeks ago. Not so slacker-ish, after all.

Peace, friends. 

Yep, I just said that.

HAH - a little election humor for your Tuesday afternoon.