Saturday, August 18, 2012

Santa Cruz and Such

Last night I saw Daniel Tosh. Live. I can die happy now. 

If you don’t know who Daniel Tosh is, you and I probably are not friends. If you SERIOUSLY don’t know who he is, watch Tosh.0 someday. You could probably even settle for one of his stand-up specials… I think they’re on Netflix (I should get paid for all this damn advertising). Disclaimer: He has a super raunchy and absolutely inappropriate sense of humor… so don’t participate if you aren’t into that kinda stuff. I, however, am totally into that kinda stuff.

Anywho, the mister and I went to Santa Cruz last night (Hippie-town, USA). After we got lost over and over and over again (who created one-way roads, anyway?), we finally made it. After a hurried dinner of burgers and drinks, we made it to the auditorium.  Dwayne Perkins was the opener. I’d never heard of him, but I guess he frequents Conan O'Brien's show. I hate Conan, for the record. The mister loves him. I don’t understand most of his humor (Conan, not my husband). So Perkins was pretty funny… full of black jokes (cue “that awkward moment where I’m not sure if I’m allowed to laugh… because I’m white…”).

And then enter DANIEL TOSH.
I had to remind myself to stop looking at his butt and start listening to his jokes (seriously… he’s that great). The show was awesome and I laughed until my “abs” hurt. (I don’t have abs… not the point). Best $100 I ever spent. Kidding… I don’t have a job. Best $100 the mister ever spent.

Aside from the show, being in Santa Cruz was entertaining itself. 45 minutes from our house and it’s taken us five months to venture there. And only because our tickets said we had to. Supposedly there’s a great boardwalk not far from where we were. We aren’t adventurous so we just stuck to hamburgers, alcohol, and the civic auditorium. But holy hippies - lots of local street art and music and homeless people with signs (and the smell of weed… everywhere). I’m definitely not in the 207 anymore.

So after this little experience, I’m a wee bit more thankful that I live in Monterey. And on that note, Daniel Tosh (I promise, only one more bit about him) did a joke about the dirtiness and hippie-ness (don't mind me... just inventing words over here) of Santa Cruz. Of course that earned him a bunch of boo’s from the audience, but he wrapped up his joke with… “Seriously guys… Monterey is SO much better.” And the mister and I were the only ones that clapped.

A terrible picture - but cameras weren't allowed. Please don't tell on me.


  1. Hahaha that's so funny! I'm so glad you got a picture you naughty, naughty girl!!

  2. I'm clapping...for you, your amazing writing style and the giggles and grins you've gifted me with today, luv! Thank you BIG!
