Friday, September 14, 2012

Finding Nemo!

Just a short blog for now, because today I’ve accomplished absolutely zilch, zip, nada. My husband will be home shortly and I have to at least pretend that I did something. And I really did do something – I went shopping. There’s nothing like a little retail therapy. But I saved a ton of money, so he shouldn’t be that upset… right? I’m totally turning into “that crazy coupon lady.”

I am absolutely looking forward to this weekend after a week that I swore would never end. I can’t imagine how you all feel, and when I say “you all,” I mean the people that actually participate in society… and work. This weekend, we have very little to do, which is great. I remember being younger, and when I had no plans, I was bored. Now when we have no plans, I know it just means a little bit of relaxation with my mister. Nothing better. Tonight we’re headed to the movies to see Finding Nemo in 3D. That’s not a joke. I’m completely serious. And I’m so excited. I love that I’m secretly a child at heart, and that my mister completely understands. Plus, Finding Nemo is non-arguably the greatest movie ever. EVER.

Just as I was about to get productive, my little child sister Skyped me. How can I turn down an adorable 3 year-old with a teenage attitude? She’s adorable. She spends half our Skyping time checking herself out in the camera, and the other half yelling at my sister to “get away, stop being a baby, stop getting on my nerve.” And also acting out a “dolly” she must’ve seen on TV that “does THIS” (insert 3 year-old mimicking some crazy walking and talking doll).

So that’s it for today. Nothing exciting, I apologize. Just me seeing Finding Nemo (in a theater of children, I’m sure) and making chicken and rice casserole for the mister… even though I’m not hungry because I had Pizza Hut for breakfast and ice cream for lunch. I dub today the “day off” of exercising/eating decent food. I suck.

If I were a fish - I'd be Dory.

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