I could complain that it’s Monday, and what did I really
expect from a Monday? Except it turns out, when you have no job, Mondays aren’t
as much of a drag as if… you know… you do have a job. Today was the mister’s
first day back after a nine-day vacation. In turn, I had a lot of laundry (and
laying around) to do… oh the life of a military wife with no children. So I did
laundry and watched about 10 episodes of Friends. I love Friends, in case you
have never met me. I also love Jennifer Aniston a ridiculous amount. I am
proud/comfortable to say that I have a serious girl crush on her. But that’s
completely off topic.
Then I made cinnamon swirl banana bread, ate half a loaf of
said bread (I’m not proud, nor am I kidding about half the loaf), ate a few Oreos
(they were football-shaped… how could I deny myself?), and felt terrible about
myself. So I spent the day wallowing in how out-of-shape I am, and finally
after dinner, I went to the gym.
Things I don’t like about the gym = working out, people. So
it turns out, this wasn’t the best place to spend my evening. As I walked in
the door, I saw 20 (very fit, very pretty… go figure) women doing Zumba. If I
tried to do that, I’d probably look like I was having a seizure. I wish that wasn’t
a joke. A few steps further and I see the cardio room is packed with people
running and sweating, and all way more in shape than I am. I really just wanted
to use the pool, but how lazy am I if I drive all the way to the GYM and don’t
even work out? So I climb a few stairs, ride a bike, and end up swimming. I’m
the only one in the pool (hallelujah), but alas, there are 10 screaming
children in the kiddy pool. Of course, the parents aren’t far, just yelling a
tad louder than their obnoxious children so they can gossip. I literally spent
more time changing, tying my shoes, and walking to the water fountain than I
did working out and swimming combined. Wallowing in my own out-of-shape-ness, I
headed home and almost hit a skunk that was dangerously close to my house. I
got home and put my favorite purple pants on, and now I’m watching more
On a side note, I had to mention the purple pants, because
they’re so comfy and so terrible looking. Before the mister and I got married,
I said to him one night, “You know how I know I love you? Because I can wear
the most ridiculous pajamas and you still love me.” And without missing a beat,
he responded, “Like those purple pants?”
I have convinced myself that I’ll end on a positive note. I
promise you, not all my blogs will be so “poor me.” I actually have nothing to
be so “poor me” about, except that I am just so lazy/tired all the time, and I pretty
much hate people. Don’t get me wrong, there are a handful of people on my “You’re
Acceptable” list. I enjoy being around those people. Everyone else is just…
ehhh. So on a positive note… drumroll please…
At least I didn’t get sprayed by the skunk.
I love ecards, by the way. Excuse the language,
except that I say the "F" word quite often...
so I can't really apologize.
Another great blog, Kaila. Somehow your "poor me" day becomes my "ha ha" moment, and I mean that in only the lost loving of ways. People who read your blogs are ALL going to fall totally in love with you...seriously! xoxPeg