Hi bloggies (noun; people that read blogs – I just made that
up), it’s been a while. I bet you’re wondering where I’ve been and what I’ve
been up to. Wonder no more. I’ll fill you in.
Life has just been… life. I’m still cranking away on my
school work. I finally got my Associate’s Degree. It only took me 14 years (it
felt like that long, anyway). I’m working on midterms right now for two
completely random, but equally interesting classes. Midterms suck, though, no
matter how interesting the subject is, or how smart you are, or how lazy you
are and don’t read the chapters ever ever ever. My sweet mister is just about
to graduate from an intense, year-long class of learning to speak another
language. He is so incredibly smart that it makes me feel bad about myself. I
can’t even speak proper English half the time, and he’s heading into class
number two (which will make him trilingual by the end of the summer… yeah,
TRI). I’m counting down the days until my mom is here to visit and to watch the
mister graduate. I’m practically counting down the hours, at this point. I’m so
excited and ready for a little fun in my lackluster daily schedule (and a
shopping buddy that appreciates a solid trip to Goodwill). If the mister was
any other branch besides the AF, we would be packing our house as we speak,
getting ready to make a big move. Instead, we wait until August, which sucks… but
it could certainly be worse. I’m planning the road trip of a lifetime for the
beginning of August with my best friend. Can I say “road trip of a lifetime” if
I just made this near-exact coast-to-coast trip last March? Sure I can. This
road trip will include my bestie (yep, I said it) turning 21 in Las Vegas.
There are no words for what kind of experience this is shaping up to be.
The things that are new in my life include the following: I
turned 22 since I last posted. It wasn’t as painful as I thought it would be. I
played a role in the best couple’s massage to ever occur on this Earth, which
happened to fall on my birthday evening. I practically melted into the massage
table, and there was never a sadder time in my life when she told us it was
over. My mister bought me the softest, comfiest sweatpants ever for my birthday.
I haven’t taken them off since. Am I joking? No. I am still wearing them… cranking
on 28 days in a row. I’ve been to the doctors twice, which is almost a record
for me. We bought a new bed. I’ve never felt lazier and more comfy in my life.
It was worth every single penny that we have to pay for the next 20 years (2
years, whatever). I’ve been renting Gilmore Girls from the library – they own
all seven seasons and I’m only halfway through number two. I forgot how much I love
Rory and Lorelai Gilmore. Also – Melissa McCarthy is in it, in case you’ve forgotten.
I’ve recently watched her on Ellen and Identity Thief, and discovered just how
awesome she really is. I’ve decided to finish reading the 50 Shades trilogy. I
made it halfway through book two and got incredibly, six-month-long
sidetracked. I got a new phone with a frontward facing camera, so brace
yourself for a million selfies. I bought plane tickets to visit my sweet fam in
April. This will be my final coast-to-coast trip for the rest of my life, I
hope. Oh yeah, and I bought a flag to accompany the empty flag pole bracket
that’s been on the front of our house since we moved in. A Maine flag.
I haven't showered yet BUT this is a no-judgement zone... right?
PS - The "What's Up, Buttercup?" title came from one of my absolute favoritest TV shows of all time, The Big Bang Theory. Here's the video. I could've used "What's the Gist, Physicist?" but I didn't because I don't know any physicists. Just buttercups.